When it’s a dirty job, choose LCS Exhaust and Hood Cleaning Service to do it well.
LCS Hood Cleaning Service features include:
- 3500 PSI Electric Pressure Washer
- Specialized degreaser chemicals
- A seasoned team of trained and certified technicians
- The LCS Facility Group “Seal of Excellence”
The Benefits Extend Beyond the Requirement:
- Professional degreasing eliminates flammable residue within your system, protecting your team and equipment from preventable fires
- Increased ventilation capacity improves energy efficiency, and lowers costs
- A dirty kitchen exhaust releases contaminates into the air, compromising the health of your team, your customers, and the environment around us
“LCS began cleaning one building on campus for Mount Saint Mary College. Due to the outstanding results, we decided to increase the work from one building to four buildings. The partnership proved successful and the transition was virtually seamless. When issues arise or special projects are needed, LCS is quick to respond and that responsiveness is appreciated. Every concern is promptly taken care of, we are very satisfied with the services provided by LCS.”
— Maryann Pilon,
Director of Facilities,
Mount Saint Mary College
LCS Specialty Services Include:
Coil Cleaning
Handyman Services

Fire & Flood Cleaning